Chattanooga Wireless Professional - Functional Rehab in Motion
Muscle Stimulator FUNCTIONAL REHABILITATION IN MOTION The Wireless Professional is today’s most advanced electrotherapy unit, offering enhanced ease-of-use and convenience while saving space and time to optimize patient treatment. By introducing the smart mi-Technology in each module and offering the best in market professional programs, this device reinvents functional rehabilitation as we know it: a combination of e-stim with active exercise allowing you to improve therapy efficiency and patient satisfaction.
• Wireless technology: Gives your patient a total freedom of movement facilitating patient manipulations and allowing you to combine active exercise with electro stimulation for a better result.
• Muscle intelligence technology: Offers personalized stimulation, adapted to your patient’s physiology. mi-SCAN, mi-TENS, mi-RANGE, mi-ACTION function available on every module.
• Docking station: Design adapted to professional needs, offering an easy and quick placement of the modules in the charging tablet and an extensible case to store electrodes and gels.
• Travel facilities: For external use, a modular system allows you to detach the charging tablet, and take it with you in a travelling case – a compact and convenient solution for outdoor use.
• Remote control: Design adapted to professional use with a silicon keypad which acts as a safeguard against water and gel penetration, and offers better ergonomic conditions in terms of keyboard use and buttons. In addition to that a protection sleeve is also available for the remote control.
• Favorite programs: Direct access to your favorite programs; in only three clicks you can start a stimulation session.
• All the information at hand: Electrode placements, program parameters and program explanation directly available in the remote control.
• +TENS function: In many clinical situations, a painful syndrome affects regions near the muscle group to be
stimulated. To overcome this problem the +TENS function allows you to combine a TENS program with another program.
• 71 unique programs: Specific programs make it easy for the PT to treat a patient with the optimal parameters. These indications cover Pain relief, Rehabilitation, Vascular, Neurologic rehabilitation, Conditioning and Aesthetic
• A detailed Practical Guide: Guidelines, treatment
recommendations and programs explanations are provided.
• Motor point pen: This useful tool together with the
dedicated program helps ensure the optimal electrode
• Autonomy: Daily use autonomy and with the charger
included in the kit, a full cycle of recharging will take a
maximum of 1.5 hours.
• Two years warranty
The Wireless Professional is today’s most advanced electrotherapy unit, offering enhanced ease-ofuse
and convenience while saving space and time to optimize patient treatment. By introducing the
smart mi-Technology in each module and offering the best in market professional programs, this device
reinvents functional rehabilitation as we know it: a combination of e-stim with active exercise allowing
you to improve therapy efficiency and patient satisfaction
Programmes offered:
Programmes offered:
Rehabilitation I Pain relief I Vascular Conditioning I
Disuse Atrophy TENS (100Hz) Heavy Legs Resistance
Reinforcement Freq. Modulated TENS Venous Insufficiency 1 Strength
Prev. of Disuse Atrophy Pulse Width Modulated TENS Venous Insufficiency 2 Active Recovery
Muscle Lesion Endorphinic Arterial Insufficiency 1
Motor Point Burst Arterial Insufficiency 2
Burst TENS Alternated Cramp Prevention
Decontracturing Capillarization
Rehabilitation II Pain relief II Neurologic rehabilitation Aesthetic Conditioning II
Hip prosthesis TENS (80Hz) Hemiplegic Foot Toning Potentiation
Patellofemoral syndrome Knee Pain Spasticity Firming Endurance
ACL Trapezius Muscle Pain Hemiplegic Shoulder Shaping Explosive Strength
Rotator Cuff Shoulder Pain Slow Start Neuro Rehabilitation Elasticity Plyometry
Lumbar Stabilisation Fracture Pain Calorilysis Hypertrophy
Cardiac Rehabilitation Cervical Pain Adipostress Muscle Building
Ago/Antago Atrophy Thoracic Back Pain Low Back Reinforcement
Ago/Antago Reinforcement Low Back Pain Core Stabilization
Atrophy (Mod. Freq.) Lumbosciatica Recovery Plus
Reinforcement (Mod. Freq.) Lumbago Toning Massage
Atrophy for Haemophiliacs Epicondylitis Relaxing Massage
Reinforcement for Haemophiliacs Torticollis Anti-Stress Massage
71 programs including the increasing levels:
Standard Package Programs
Additional programs in the Full Package
Number of Channels:4
Number of Programs:71
Maximum Amplitude:120 mA
Intensity:Manual adjustment (energy units 0-999)
Intensity increments:Minimum 0.25 mA
Pulse Duration/Width:30 μsec-400 μsec
Frequency:1 - 150 Hz
Power Source (Remote Control):LiPo, Lithium Polymer 3.7V, 1500 mAh
Power Source (Module):LiPo, Lithium Polymer 3.7V, 450 mAh
Dimensions (Remote Control) (LxWxH):105 x 66 x 19 mm
Dimensions (Module) (WxH):55 x 16 mm
Dimensions (Docking Station) (LxWxH):265 x 240 x 200 mm
Weight (Remote Control):116g, incl. battery
Weight (Module):62g, incl. battery
Weight (Docking Station)::2400g, incl. battery
Electrical Safety Class:Class II, Type BF
Safety Compliance:IEC 60601-1, IEC 60101-1-2. IEC 60601-2-10
Technology mi™ (muscle intelligence):yes
Back-lit screen:yes
Motor point pen:yes
4 independent channels:yes
Operating on battery:yes
Rapid charger :yes
Chattanooga Compex Wireless Professional Instruction Video
Chattanooga Compex Wireless Professional Instruction Video
Creéis que se podria usar la electroestimulación en el tren superior (brazos, hombros y pecho) sin pesas ni nada más? Combinandolo al mismo tiempo con una sesión aeróbica, como correr en cinta o bicicleta estática? Lo digo porque mi deporte es básicamente correr(y natación, aunque menos asiduamente), mas abdominales y lumbares (hice el reto de abdominales isométricos, fuera de plazo pero muy bien), por lo que el tren superior lo tengo un poco olvidado. Espero no haber dicho una barbaridad muy grande...